Kent Terrace Holiday Accommodation


If you need to cancel a booking it is best to give as much notice as possible so your dates can be made available to others.

If you choose to cancel, the following rules will apply:

  • There will be a cancellation charge of $20.
  • For a cancellation made 90 days or more before the arrival date, 10% of the deposit will be retained.
  • For a cancellation made between 90 and 30 days of the arrival date, 30% of the deposit will be retained.
  • For a cancellation made between 30 and 7 days of the arrival date, 60% of the deposit will be retained.
  • For a cancellation made 7 days or less before the arrival date, the whole of the deposit will be retained.

If an alternative booking can be obtained a further refund may be made, less $20 cancellation charge and any expenses incurred, e.g. bank transaction charges, discounted rates for last minute bookings.

Once you have started your stay, the full cost of your booking becomes payable. If you need to cut your booking short, because of family emergencies etc, we do not automatically offer a refund - only if an alternative booking can be obtained for the cancelled period.

If you have booked for a group of people and some of the group are unable to come, please let us know in advance. Otherwise the full cost of the booking will be payable on arrival. Partial cancellation fees may apply.

Contact Us
Mobile: 027 525 7858